Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Well, here I sit down again at my study
to write down a poem about a tragedy.
A tale about a naive girl, who thought she met a partner
when all she met was a boy with a bad temper.  

The first two weeks of the relationship was pure bliss.
The girl thought "well this won't be another miss".
But as time passed, as in all cases I tell you,
she came to realise that he is not from the normal menu.

His mask came off little by little
showing off an image that was very brittle.
The poor girl didn't know how to handle this case,
'cause her heart was already in his vase.

But Time, the healer & master of all things
taught her a valuable lesson about human beings.
That you should give priority to people who cares and loves you,
and not give your heart to a stranger who comes from a wrong menu.

Another truth she realized about people,
as time goes by all whites become purple.
That experience has lifted a veil from her eyes,
teaching her that time reveals people and makes you wise....



I lost my friend today
But I lost her while she was still around
Our friendship got lost by distance
For I just lost in touch
While days turned to months
Months turned to years
Now I realize I’ve lost her for good
For no more is she alive
I have just learnt the hard way that
You don’t have to lose someone
To know the value of your dear one
Adore cherish and respect the ones
Who are beside you for you never know?
When they won’t be around you anymore


Danusha Chandrasekaran
An inspirational author striving to inspire people around her.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


What is rain I asked my mom?
What do you think is rain mom asked me?
I thought and thought and thought some more
But I just didn’t know
I asked my brother who is older to me
He gave me his lofty smile and said
Water changes into water vapor
Water vapor condenses
Clouds become heavy and come down as rain
I haven’t a clue to what he said
I looked out of my window and oh what did I see
I saw the plants and trees dancing
I saw the people hurrying by
I saw the cars step on puddles
I stretched my hands and felt those drops
I glanced up and said
The water from the skies

Danusha Chandrasekaran
An inspirational author  striving to inspire people around her. 

Friday, July 20, 2012


In my mind I can conquer mountains
In my mind I can sail tempestuous seas
In my mind I can run a marathon
In my mind I can roam in the meadows
In my mind I can soar the skies
In my mind I envision the future
In my mind I relive my past
In my mind I can escape
To a world solely belonging to me

In my mind I belong.

Danusha Chandrasekaran
An inspirational author  striving to inspire people around her.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Life’s Little Pleasures

The gentle caress of a breeze
The silent waves kissing my feet
The pitter patter of raindrops
The first sight of morning dew
The joyful laughter of children
The aroma of  a fresh baked cake
The happy reunions in an airport
The encouragement from friends
One random act of kindness
Soaking my feet in warm water
Soothing massage to ease all aches
Sloppy kisses from my kids
Curling up with that bestseller
Haunting old shops for their books
A goodnight’s rest after   a job well done
I guess the list is endless……
But these are mine.

Danusha Chandrasekaran
An inspirational author  striving to inspire people around her. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nurture the Nature of your Child!

Be a smart Parent…………Smart Parenting course Nurture the Nature of your Child!

We all spend quarter of our life learning, studying and getting qualified to build a successful life. But how much time do we invest in being a good parent and shaping the future of our legacy. There is no special manual or prior training for parenting, however it is the most complicated and challenging role that we would ever take on in our lives! It has always been through trial and error, unfortunately, the errors have serious consequences that effect the entire life of a child and finally the adult. Many are the moments of regret where we say “ I wish I knew better, I wish I had not said this or done that” but the reality isthat when raising our kids“there is no space for error”simply because our errors leave a lasting impression and can never be erased no matter how hard we try later in life. Being a parent can and should be enjoyable !!!, We are always delighted to see our children grow and learn something every day .Children no matter what age, they have phases they go through while growing up. Each phase will pose new challenges to parents and most of the time they come as surprises. “How we cope with them and handle them will surely determine a child’s well being.”

Nature’s Classroom, through the years of working with children identifies the critical need to create realistic awareness among parents on some key issues that are stumbling blocks to the natural development of the TOTAL CHILD. Our objective is “to create a platform for parents to understand their children better”. If you believe that children learn to mimic their parents’ behavior, then “Brick Wall” parents should not be surprised when their children adopt “Brick Wall” tactics and ignore the parents’ thoughts, feelings and needs. No wonder that later in life, adult-to-adult communications suffer because either parent and child or in most case both, are unable to understand the other’s thoughts, feelings, and needs. Nature’s Classroom is commencing a programme on Smart Parenting , on Weekday: Tuesday 9am to 12pm & Weekend : Saturdays 9 -12 pm or 3 - 5 pm commencing on Saturday 7th July /Tuesday 10th July 2012

The Programme is of 03 months duration with video clips of situations where parents will easily relate to, some of the highlights of the programme workshop will be:

  • A Raise independent kids
  • Turn misbehavior into great behavior
  • Learn to enjoy and not endure
  • Hands on ideas to keep your child busy and learning
  • Host of other valuable insights into the development of your child
Our Panel of Lectures

Our lectures are well experienced, versatile and qualified and they are all committed to guide students through the course and assist them in maintain the high standards required by NCR (Nature’s Classroom). By taking the Nature’s Classroom Montessori & Early childhood Education course you can make a difference in your community and in the world, but the most important aspect is the difference you bring to the life of a child.

What we offer is practical and tactical guidance to manage and enjoy your children.

“What we are, teaches the child far more than what we say, so we must be what we want our children to become.”Joseph Chilton Pearce

Preneetha Tissera

Our Course Directress, PreneethaTissera counts over 20 years of experience and is a certified MMI (Modern Montessori International UK) teacher trainer / examiner and an eminent TV talk show personality.